Grazie al programma Erasmus+ e al Servizio Volontario Europeo (EVS) di breve periodo abbiamo l’opportunità di coinvolgere volontari/e alla prima esperienza nella partecipazione a un workcamp.
Il programma europeo Erasmus+ coprirà la gran parte delle spese della partecipazione al progetto. Il/a volontario/a avrà garantito assicurazione, vitto e alloggio, e un rimborso delle spese di viaggio fino a 275 euro che sarà effettuato solo dopo la presentazione della documentazione di viaggio in originale.
Sono due le condizioni per partecipare al progetto EVS-short term
- età compresa tra i 18-30 anni
- prima esperienza all’estero
Se hai sempre pensato all’opportunità di partire ma non hai mai concretizzato non aspettare, per maggiori informazioni chiamaci in sede (068841880) o scrivici una e-mail a il prima possibile!
Una volta selezionati, ai partecipanti sarà chiesto di iscriversi a Lunaria!
I progetti si svolgeranno in Francia con attività di supporto alla comunità locale, diverse le date di partenza e tante le opportunità di coinvolgimento.
CBF TOUR – Permanent activity
DATES : BEFORE AUGUST 2019 – 16 Days
Project: Working with the organisation staff (administrative and technical mentors), the volunteers will participate in technical works (reroofing, insulation, plumbing, electricity works, toilets installation, room creation…) to improve people’s home. The inhabitants are people who are facing social and economic difficult and challenging situations and the main challenge is to involve them in the improvement of their living conditions by doing the works all together. ,Although the main purpose is the carrying out of the technical work, the activity has therefore an important social and human aspect that makes the intervention different from a professional one. Furthermore, most of the time the volunteers share the lunch (or at least a coffee) with the family which provides a valuable time to get to know each other and may create strong links based on trust and sharing.
Works: depending on the habitants’ projects.
Localisation: Tours
Nearest airport : Tours ou Saint-Pierre-des-Corps
Accommodation: at the LT volunteers’ flat
Language: english and french
IMPORTANTE! Per questo progetto le date sono flessibili, è richiesta la partecipazione per un periodo di 16 giorni da concordare con l’associazione!
05/06/2019 – 26/06/2019
This place is where international and French volunteers have chosen to live together for some time to participate in the realisation of a dream: building peace in the world. The challenge is to learn how to live and work together, amongst different people, cultures, and backgrounds. This group of volunteers will host you during three weeks. You will share the daily life as a community, participate in the work and other activities together.
Work: After two successful projects on the village’s main square, this year you will work on a pigeon loft. Building, minor repairs, cleaning, and the construction of a staircase will be the different tasks in order to restore the place. The project is to create a space where the pigeons can live in order to clear them from the centre of the village.
Accommodation and food: In a house accommodated with dorms that also serves as a welcoming center for international volunteers during winter. You will be at a 3-minute walking distance of the village center.
Location: Laguépie, located 90 km northeast of Toulouse, between Gaillac and Villefranche de Rouergue.
Leisure activities: You will organize yourselves together and enjoy many leisure activities like going for a swim or a walk, participating in the festivities of Laguépie and it’s surrounding area, pizza dinners, game nights, and visits to the exceptional medieval villages of Najac, Cordes-sur-ciel, and Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val.
SJ11 LE FORT DE L’AIGUILLE (2), Fouras-les-Bains
11/06/2019 – 02/07/2019
Located at the mouth of the Charente river, the peninsula of Fouras-les-Bains contains three harbours and five beaches along the Atlantic coast. In an idyllic setting with views of Fort Boyard, you will work on the rehabilitation of the Fort of the Aiguille. This fort is a redoubt, a fortification system built by the French military engineer Vauban. The redoubt protected Fouras from a potential enemy sea invasion.
Work: This project is a continuation of the work undertaken last year by the volunteers. You will work on the restoration of a new part of the main facade of the redoubt. You will help the technical leader to remove plants from the facade, and to remove and replace the chalk mortar joints between the stones. Other works of traditional masonry are also planned, such as redoing the stone coping (top layer of the wall) and stone-cutting.:
Accommodation and food: In groups, in tents on Fouras’ campground *** (swimming pool, multi-sports area, WIFI, snacks…) Meals will be prepared by «kitchen teams» in turns.
Location: Fouras-les-Bains, located 20 km away from La Rochelle.
Leisure activities: You will be able to visit some tourist areas around, enjoy nature and organize some dinners with the local inhabitants. You will also have the opportunity to visit the Île d’Aix, a small car-free island in the middle of the ocean, by boat. Since it is also a popular sea-side resort, you will be able to participate to several events in the region.