Il Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà – ESC è una iniziativa dell’Unione europea che supporta la partecipazione dei giovani in attività di volontariato europeo di breve o lungo periodo con il coinvolgimento in attività di gruppo o individuali.
Nel ambito delle attività di gruppo abbiamo la possibilità di coinvolgere volontari/e italiani in diversi progetti di supporto alla comunità locali in Belgio.
Il programma coprirà la gran parte delle spese per la partecipazione al progetto. Il/a volontario/a avrà garantito assicurazione, vitto e alloggio, pocket money e un rimborso delle spese di viaggio fino a 275 euro che sarà effettuato solo dopo la presentazione della documentazione di viaggio in originale.
Se hai voglia di metterti in gioco o vuoi avere maggiori info sulla possibilità di partecipazione chiamaci in sede (068841880) o scrivici una e-mail a il prima possibile!
Una volta selezionati, ai partecipanti sarà chiesto di iscriversi a Lunaria!
ATTENZIONE: per i seguenti progetti sono disponibili ancora dei posti solo per RAGAZZI.
CBB18ESC Fedasil Rixensart, Rixensart
04/08/2019 – 24/08/2019
Partner. The Rixensart Refugees Centre accommodates people or families who have asked for asylum in Belgium. Refugees come from Syria, Irak, Iran, Congo etc. Many of them fled from war or from countries that were under a dictatorship or devastated by an ecological disaster. Thus they came to Belgium with dreams of stability, rich-ness and comfort life. It is not, however, that easy to be allowed to settle in Europe, especially for somebody from the South or the East. Before these people may start their new live, their refugee status has to be proven and accepted. While waiting for the document that will enable them to remain legally in our country, the immigrants are accommodated in this centre in the Brussels vicinity.
People living there await the solution concerning their administrative status. They never know what tomorrow may bring to them.
Therefore, residents often found themselves overwhelmed by feelings of relief and anguish, hope and disappoint-ment. The life of Rixensart Asylum Seeker Centre reflects these individual dramas and hopefulness of residents.
Website (available in English):
Work: this project is an ESC Volunteering Team project, please refer to the remarks in order to know the conditions.
The volunteers will give a hand and a fresh air to the Centre’s animation team – spor-tive or social games, billiard, movie clubs, fitness for women, football tournament, craft etc.
To a lesser extent and depending of the weather forecast, volunteers will take part of some activities as painting inside or out-side maintenance of the park.
They will be required to get actively in-volved in the daily life of the Centre. Half of the time will be devoted to proposals of activities for children and adults (according to the population currently present in the Centre).
The management team of the centre is very well used to work with volunteers as they have been hosting this workcamp for many years.
Accomodation and food: Volunteers will be lodged in a common room (dormitory) in a building next to the central one. Showers are acces-sible in a central building.Self catering.
Please, be aware that meals are simple. Vegetarian or any other diet should be announced in advance.
Location: Rixensart is located in the Brabant Walloon province, 25 km from Brussels and 7 km from Wavre. The zone is highly urbanised and has all the usual conveniences, Rixensart still keeps its coun-tryside charm but one can feel the proximity of Brussels (40 minutes by train, 20 by car). Refugees Centre is located outside the town centre, but in a walking distance from the famous local lake Genval, cinema, shops, supermarkets, train station.
Website (in French):
Specific requirements: Alcohol is formally prohibited in the Centre.
The volunteers are required to be at least 18 year old and to have basic knowledge of French.
Besides, it is necessary to have bases in animation (songs, music, dance, plays…) and to be able to assume respon-sibility for a small group. Be able to listen to others is very important there. This kind of workcamp is a very rich personal and human experience. It makes people aware of the complexity of certain social conditions related to the great inequalities on our planet.
In order to demonstrate this, we ask the candidate volunteers:
– to send a short motivation letter in French
– to answer our specific questionnaire (if you do not have it yet, please ask it to your sending organization).
We will not confirm any placement request before the analysis of these documents.
CBB17ESC Fedasil Sugny II, Sugny
27/07/2019 – 10/08/2019
Partner: The Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre hosts people who have asked for asylum in Belgium. Many of them fled from war or persecution. Before these people may start their new lives, their refugee status has to be proven and accepted. While waiting for the documents that will enable them to remain legally in our country, the asylum seekers are accommodated in this centre.
People living there await the solution concerning their administrative status. They never know what tomorrow may bring to them.
Therefore, residents often found themselves overwhelmed by feelings of relief and anguish, hope and disappoint-ment. The life of Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre reflects these individual dramas and hopefulness of residents.
Website (available in English):
Work: this project is an ESC Volunteering Team project, please refer to the remarks in order to know the conditions.
This project is based on a dynamic meeting between the volunteers and the residents of the centre. Each morning, with the help of technical leader, volunteers, young and older residents will work together to paint rooms of a building. Its’ also planned to have some outdoor tasks, The afternoon will be dedicated to the or-ganisation of leisures activities with the residents and specially youngsters and kids: sports, crafts, games, treas-ure hunt, film projection, debate… Feel free to bring your fresh ideas.
Accommodation and food: Accommodation will be provided in the centre. Volunteers will stay in a common room (dormitory) in a building next to the central one. Showers are accessible in the central building.
Food will be provided, relax – no cooking! Pork is not cooked in the centre. If you need a specific diet – you are welcome as well, just let us know
Location: Sugny is a very small and isolated village in the south of Belgium nearby the French border. By choosing this work-camp, you decide to live in the nature. All around, there are fields, woods and small villages. But there are plenty of opportunities for entertainment: football fields and basketball playgrounds, … During the weekend, and accord-ing to the group decisions it will be possible to organise cultural visits and to travel to the biggest Belgian cities.
Specific requirements: Alcohol is strictly forbidden inside the centre.
This project requests volunteers with a good level of motivation for its theme and who are prepared to integrate the life of a refugee center. We recommend them to a have an idea about the policy concerning refugees in their own country.
In order to demonstrate this, we ask the candidate volunteers:
– to send a short motivation letter
– to answer our specific questionnaire (if you do not have it yet, please ask it to your sending organization).
We will not confirm any placement request before the analysis of these documents.
CBB16ESC Fedasil Sugny 1, Sugny
06/07/2019 – 20/07/2019
Partner: The Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre hosts people who have asked for asylum in Belgium. Many of them fled from war or persecution. Before these people may start their new lives, their refugee status has to be proven and accepted. While waiting for the documents that will enable them to remain legally in our country, the asylum seekers are accommodated in this centre.
People living there await the solution concerning their administrative status. They never know what tomorrow may bring to them.
Therefore, residents often found themselves overwhelmed by feelings of relief and anguish, hope and disappoint-ment. The life of Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre reflects these individual dramas and hopefulness of residents.
Work: This project is based on a dynamic meeting between the volunteers and the residents of the centre. Each morning, with the help of technical leader, volun-teers, young and older residents will work together to paint rooms of a building. Its’ also planned to have some outdoor tasks like gardening. The afternoon will be dedi-cated to the organisation of leisure activi-ties with the residents and specially youngsters and kids: sports, crafts, games, treasure hunt, film projection, debate… Feel free to bring your fresh ideas.
Accommodation and food: Accommodation will be provided in the centre. Volunteers will stay in a common room (dormitory) in a building next to the central one. Showers are accessible in the central building.
Meals depend from your cooking talent 😉
There is a private kitchen where you can prepare your meals at fixed hours and you can eat with residents in the refectory.
Location: Sugny is a very small and isolated village in the south of Belgium nearby the French border. By choosing this work-camp, you decide to live in the nature. All around, there are fields, woods and small villages. But there are plenty of opportunities for entertainment: football fields and basketball playgrounds, … During the weekend, and accord-ing to the group decisions it will be possible to organise cultural visits and to travel to the biggest Belgian cities.
Specific requirements: We warn the volunteers that the consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden inside the centre.
This project requests volunteers with a good level of motivation for its theme and who are prepared to integrate the life of a refugee center. We recommend them to a have an idea about the policy concerning refugees in their own country.
In order to demonstrate this, we ask the candidate volunteers:
– to send a short motivation letter
– to answer our specific questionnaire (if you do not have it yet, please ask it to your sending organization).
We will not confirm any placement request before the analysis of these documents.