In partenza ad Agosto, un bellissimo progetto di volontariato internazionale in Francia: un festival di cinema all’ aperto in cui imparerai tutti i segreti del “film-making”.
Il campo di volontariato inizierà il 22 Agosto 2016 fino al 4 Settembre 2016, a Parigi (Francia). Siamo ancora alla ricerca di 4 volontari italiani!
Un volontariato trilaterale
Il progetto ospiterà ragazzi provenienti da Italia, Germania e Francia, si tratta di un progetto trilaterale ospitato dall’ “Ufficio Giovanile Francese-Tedesco ” di Parigi. Ci potrebbe essere un fianziamento dall’ ufficio per contribuire alle spese di viaggio. Da confermare.
Leggi le info sul progetto e se sei interessato/a, scrivi su oppure procedi all’iscrizione via il modulo online!
Descrizione del progetto
CONCF-096 “Paris, Short Film Festival”
22/08/2016 – 04/09/2016
ART – 12 volunteers – Age: 18+
Cinema and culture fans, this is the workcamp for you !Come take part in the organisation and running of the Silhouette festival. In the heart of Paris, this open-air festival is an international short-film competition which brings together more than 20 000 people every year.
The Silhouette festival aims to be a friendly and festive event, open to all for free. The festival features a creative kind of film-making, allowing the viewer to dive into as many different worlds as there are themes.
With the guidance of a team of workcamp leaders, you will participate in the logistics supporting the festival, in the catering and the greeting of the public, mostly in the evenings.
During the day you will also be involved in free workshops, which will teach children, teenagers and adults from all different walks of life about the secrets of film-making. You will raise the public’s awareness about eco-friendly behaviour through fun and creative installations in the park.
In addition, you will meet the neighbourhood locals, creating moments of intercultural sharing.
►Accommodation and food
You will share the various daily collective tasks with the other volunteers. The workcamp leaders will be given a budget and you will take part in the shopping and the preparation of meals, favouring local and healthy produce.
►Location and leisure
Located in the 19th district of Paris, in the Butte du Chapeau Rouge park.
More information about the festival
►Special requirements and remarks
This project can only accept Italian (from Lunaria) and German volunteers, as it is supported by the OFAJ, the French-German Youth Office. Some volunteers from France, Germany, Italy may be eligible to have their travel costs supported on the presentation of original receipts.
Remember to bring warm, waterproof clothes and shoes. The nights can be chilly, so bring a warm sleeping bag! Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their home country.