10 mesi a Parigi da volontari in Servizio Civile francese per supportare il lavoro di una ONG
I nostri amici dell’associazione francese, Solidarites Jeunesses , cercano 1 volontario/a internazionale da coinvolgere nel Servizio Civile francese.
Il volontario/a sarà coinvolto nell’attività dell’associazione nella sede centrale di Parigi per un progetto di dieci mesi a partire da Ottobre 2016.
Solidarités Jeunesses who is a french youth, non-formal education and community development association. It organises short and long-term international workcamps, actions of social integration, training activities, international solidarity actions and runs small community centres in rural environments.
Through these actions Solidarités Jeunesses aims to promote:
– The voluntary participation of all, particularly young people and those in socially disadvantaged situations, in local, national and international life.
– Local development that takes into concern the needs of the individual, the environment and the cultural heritage.
– The breaking down of barriers between generations, cultures and nations.
– A concrete construction of peace through intercultural exchanges and reciprocity.
Solidarités Jeunesses has a national office in Paris and 8 regional associations.
They bring together people – young and old, local representatives, social workers – who want to put in common their aspirations for a harmonious development of their region and who would like to find, within a national and international movement, an opening, a richness, exchanges, and reflections.
Solidarités Jeunesses is cooperating internationally with volunteering networks : Coordinating Commitee for International Voluntary Service and the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations.
Profile of the volunteer
– passionate by graphic design, photo and/or film-making
– able to work in French and English
– able to work independently
– able to respect, develop and work in team spirit
– keen on youth work, international & intercultural learning
You will work in collaboration with the different sectors in the National office and with the
communication’s Officer of Solidarités Jeunesses in order to :
Contribute to the promotion and visibility of Solidarités Jeunesses’ activities through digital
communication and graphic design
Create promotional supports in different formats printed and digital (leaflets, posters, flyers,
banners, videos, etc.) for the organisation’s activities and projects.
Manage the social networks (Post updates on the Facebook Page : more than 9000 Likes )
Participate in the daily life of the office
Allowance : 577,08 € / month
Accommodation in the Volunteer’s House in Paris
Duration : from 1st of October 2016 – for 10 months – 35hours/week
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Come candidarsi al Servizio Civile francese?
Per candidarti al Servizio Civile invia CV+lettera motivazionale (in inglese o francese), specificando il nome del progetto nell’oggetto della e-mai, a LTV@solidaritesjeunesses.org e volo@dev.lunaria.org il prima possibile
Ai partecipanti selezionati sarà richiesto di iscriversi a Lunaria.