I partecipanti di Lunaria, Mariya, Ilaria, Jessica e Donato, sono appena rientrati da Parigi, dove hanno potuto conoscere altri 20 ragazzi provenienti da Irlanda, Estonia, Lituania e Francia, e confrontarsi sugli squilibri globali dell’economia, grazie ai formatori di Freres des Hommes, Sem Terra, Donne congolesi.
Ecco le interviste rilasciate dai ragazzi.
What does “Hemispheres” mean to you?
Before leaving Italy “Hemispheres” was just a name for the seminar I decided to participate in. Now, only one week left, I have a different perception. I spent several days with young people coming from Estonia, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, France and Ireland. These unknown people became friends quickly. We enjoyed Paris, we had fun and we exchanged opinion about different topics, all linked to the main theme of the session “Integration through economic activity: but how?”… Now Hemispheres is not only a name, but much more – a mix of many enjoyable things and memories.
What these three weeks in Paris gave to you?
I loved to spend time in Paris. Here, young people can find a lot of things to do. Every day and night we could choice how to spend our free time, between museums, concerts, pubs, parks et cetera. Then, I was here with a funny group of people, who make my experience so amusing.
What does “Hemisphere” mean to you?
“Hemisphere” give to me a extraordinary chance meet a new people and exchange with theme ideas and knowledge. This three weeks training was a unique moment for me. They give me a opportunities meet new people from different countries in Europe. Also during this time we discussed economic situation in world and especially in Congo and Brazil. I learn thing for this countries which I didn’t know to this time. Especially for people in Brazil and how they fight for their land. Also Women in Congo fight for their rights.
How you feel in Paris?
For me Paris is a not only the European capital and also a huge center of culture, economic and source of treasures. Here in Paris you can see the connection between past and the future between ancient and new. Every day with my colleges we discovered new places new people which was opportunity for exchange information and knowledge. I am fallen in love like so many people who are bewitched of this city every day and every minute.
as you perception of the Southern Hemisphere changed thanks to this project?
The Southern hemisphere often represents the less developed part of the world, where modernization, human rights and redistribution of wealth are far from being achieved. This training showed how the relation between the South and the North constitutes the main reason of these disproportions. Only a global response can really tackle these issues and make the world economy sustainable.
How did you find the group dynamics?
Our group was composed by people from very different backgrounds in terms of culture, age, interests. This aspect made the seminar a unique occasion to get to know different perspectives on development and the world of international solidariety. Moreover, I realized that diversity among participants is one of the the main elements to create a real and dynamic exchange among people.
How “Hemisphère” can be useful to your life?
Hemisphère is giving me the opportunity to get in touch with associations, ONG, people of my age who have projects and good ideas that we can share and create something with in the future. I’m learning how to promote a local event, how to use money to implement it and how to sensitize people.
How did you find the Frères des Hommes team? Did you enjoy the training?
I really loved the way we interacted with Bastien, Claire, Nunu etc..They’re not just trainers but also friends with whom we can talk of everything and share opinions and critics. I like being involved in works and activities with the group and with our trainers.