I nostri amici dell’associazione NICE stanno organizzando dei progetti speciali nelle zone del terremoto e dello tsunami. Volontari con precedenti esperienze e la conoscenza del giapponese sono benvenuti. Per avere info sulla situazione, leggi il messaggio di Kai, presidente di Nice. Ovviamente andare in Giappone in queste settimane è rischioso, ma non possiamo non farvi conoscere la magnifica reazione dei nostri amici giapponesi…e il loro invito!
Per conoscere i campi, andare sul motore di ricerca nell’apposita sezione del sito, e cercare i progetti: NICE/S01 e NICE/S02.
Dear the friend partners all over the world,
It’s been a bit more than 3 weeks since the giant earthquake was happened on the 11th March. Once again, we from the heart appreciate to wonderful support from all over the world, including yours – donation (special thanks to Sawadee Thailand which has collected from the members and local people and we have heard from some other partners planning!) and encouraging messages.
There are still very hard situations in the affected areas and we NICE have arranged the special workcamps in 3 places
where we had organized the projects with the local partners before. We are already recruiting Japanese vols (quite many are applying!) last week and the first groups started the activities yesterday. Now, we also would like to start recruiting international vols.
However, as you can imagine, these projects are totally different from our usual projects in many points which are noted in the project description below, so please introduce the whole sentences to them even though they are quite long.
At this stage, we cannot have many international vols., but will need more and more in the later stage to rehabilitate and revive the areas which may take at least some years. We have already declared to work with them at least for 10 years even after recovery.
We may also start recruiting international vols. in Rukuzen-takada where almost the whole city was destructed, in the mid April.
We also believe that this disaster could bring a big opportunity to reconsider and redesign life, society and economy of our country and even the whole modern civilization of the world including the energy issue. Of course, we can never say that it was good to be happened, but should still learn from and utilize this experience for the betterment of the world as much as possible!
Best wishes
Kai (KAIZAWA Shinichiro), NICE
* I visited the places we have projects in these days and were
overawed by the huge damage by seeing directly…
I attach the file we presented in the emergent meeting on the 2nd
April (where we got 100 participants by only 5 days notice!) where
some pictures in Rikuzan-takada are in page 12-17…
Noi abbiamo scritto a NICE per conoscere la situazione delle emissioni radioattive della centrale di Fukushima, anche rispetto alla sicurezza di eventuali missioni di volontariato. Ecco la risposta, immediata e sincera, di Kai.
Hi Marcello, Thanks for the quick reply! As written in the "Location" of the project description, the project places are 100 km (Aizu) - 150 km (Kurikoma) far from the power station, so should not be risky according to scientific info. including WHO's http://www.who.int/hac/crises/jpn/faqs/en/. It is on the other hand true that those areas get some higher influence of radioactivity than usual (like 0.3 something while usual figure is less than 0.1), but most of scientists clearly say, it is not in risky level (and specially, vols. will stay only for few weeks/ months) while you can get much higher level by getting on the flight and checking X ray. But of course, the final judgment should be done just by each person (and the situation is not completely stable yet)! Kai