Gli amici dell’associazione tedesca IBG cercano due volontar* da ospitare nella loro sede di Stuttgart nell’ambito del programma “European Solidarity Corps Project (EVS)” dal titolo “Promote and Support International Volunteering”.
Il progetto avrà inizio a Febbraio 2019 per una durata di 11 mesi.
International volunteering is a unique tool to promote peace, understanding and the European and human values and to directly support local projects. At the same time, volunteers gain a lot from this experience; they return with new ideas, new skills and new friends. We are looking for two volunteers from February to mid December 2019 to support our international projects in Germany and promote international work camps and other volunteering projects (IVP) to young people.
Who is IBG?
IBG is a German NGO working in the field of international youth exchange and international volunteering. We organise around 40 international work camps and a few other international projects in Germany each year. Through our network ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations we have 60 similar partner organisations all over the world. We pay special attention to the accessibility and the sustainability of our projects. It is essential for us that our projects answer a local need and that the international groups are well integrated into the local community.
IBG e.V. ** Fuchseckstr. 1 ** D –70188 Stuttgart
Peacing the world together…
What will be the tasks?
– run info events about work camps and other IVP in schools, universities, youth clubs and events
– other peer-to-peer-promotion activities for work camps
– support IBG work camps in Germany (especially our camp leaders or volunteers with special needs)
– support trainings for leaders and volunteers of IBG
– administrative support in the office in Stuttgart
– it is essential to bring first-hand experience in international volunteering or international youth exchanges
– B-level in English and German
– Drivers’ license would be helpful
How to apply?
Se vuoi candidarti invia CV +lettera motivazionale in inglese/tedesco a e entro il 31 Agosto 2018
Ai volontari selezionati sarà richiesto di associarsi a Lunaria