I nostri amici di Compagnons Bâtisseurs sono alla ricerca di diversi volontar* per 8 progetti della durata di 11/12 mesi, che si terranno nel 2022: grazie alle opportunità del Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà puoi vivere un anno all’estero lavorando in un’associazione amica!
Le opportunità di volontariato per il 2022 sono tante e molte ci arrivano dal Belgio, da parte dei nostri partner di Compagnons Bâtisseurs: grazie ai loro progetti potrai scegliere di lavorare in una fattoria gallo romana, oppure aiutare un’organizzazione che ripara strumenti musicali, Oppure potrai lavorare con i giovani nei centri giovanili, o in un’organizzazione giovanile che sostiene i giovani in difficoltà, infine scegliere di lavorare con CBB nel loro ufficio!
Ce n’è per tutti i gusti! Tutto quello che dovrai fare è leggere attentamente i progetti e candidati per l’opportunità che ti convince di più: è un’occasione da non lasciarsi sfuggire!
Per leggere le project descriptions complete dei progetti visita il sito di CBB.
1) Archeoparc malagne
Activity dates: 01/03/2022 – 28/02/2023
Deadline: 7/11/21
Project description: Archeoparc Malagne is a non-profit organisation set up to protect and valorise an archaeological site from Gallo-roman history. It reproduces a farm from this period of time and recreate the different techniques and know-hows used at that time.
The volunteers will help out in the maintenance of the 7 hectares of the domain (planting vegetables, mowing, fixing fences…), take care of the animals living on site, help with the building of new places by using Gallo-roman techniques, helping with the groups of children visiting, participate in the historical re-enactments and follow the archaeological experiments done (one on a harvesting machine, the other one on the production process of barley beer “cervoise”). The tasks are mostly outdoors and manual. And the pictures are not lying: it is pretty remote!
We are looking for 2 VOLUNTEERS
2) Terrain d’Aventure du Péri (The Adventure Playground of Péri)
Activity dates: 18/02/2022 – 17/02/2023
Deadline: 24/10/21
Project description: The adventure playground is open to all young people, from 5 to 26 years old but most children are below 15. It is a place dedicated to the self-development and the community life, a place where children can learn and experiment without pressure.
In this project, the volunteer will be all the time in contact with children and young people. S/he will launch, lead and follow several activities. These ones can be various and will depend of his/her ideas, wishes and skills. They will always suppose a democratic participation of the children who have the right to choose and make proposals. The adventure ground has an inside place but it is mostly a big outdoor area, be ready to work outside!
We are looking for 1 VOLUNTEER
3) Marche youth club (Maison des Jeunes de Marche)
Activity dates: 01/03/2022 – 28/02/2023
Deadline: 7/12/21
Project description: La Maison des Jeunes (MJ) / the Youth Club has the mission to promote youth active citizenship, participation and empowerment. In all our activities -trainings, creative and artistic workshops, outdoors activities and visits, organization of concerts and cultural events- we strive to work on the basis of a “pedagogy of the project.” Through negotiation, preparation, implementation and evaluation of activities, we hope to encourage young people to acquire new skills and support them in developing themselves as persons and citizens.
The volunteer will have the possibility to participate in all our activities: artistic workshops, sport activities, organization of cultural events and free time activities in the youth club and propose their own. Application showing the artistic and creative skills of the volunteers are strongly encouraged.
We are looking for 1 VOLUNTEER
4) AMO Mic-Ados: combating failure in education
Activity dates: 18/02/2022 – 31/01/2023
Deadline: 24/10/21
Project description: The AMO Mic-Ados is part of what is called, in Belgium, a non-constraint help to youth (AMO – Aide en Milieu Ouvert). It is a place where young people can ask for support regarding any difficulty they are meeting in their lives: at home, at school, about health, relationships, finances… The ESC volunteer will have as main mission to be involved in the project “«Sac Ados»”.
The aim of this project is to allow youngsters between 15 and 22 years old in school dropout situation, to have a reflection period about their future by taking part in manual works, creative activities and social actions which are useful to all our community (environment activities, building and painting activities, open space maintenance activities, activities for elder people, children or refugees, building music instruments for developing countries…).
We are looking for 1 VOLUNTEER
5) Foyer Aubépine
Activity dates: 14/01/2022 – 13/01/2023
Deadline: 14/11/21
Project description:
The non-profit organization “Foyer Aubépine” aims to provide social help, education, host and support for youngsters with difficult socio-economical and familial backgrounds.
The volunteers will mostly work with kids and teenagers from 3 to 18 years helping to support the technical team (maintenance of the house; preparation of meals; cleaning of living spaces), support the social educators (spend time with kids and teenagers during meals and snacks; welcome kids and teenagers after school days: help them with homework, prepare exciting activities and games for leisure time, help for preparation for bedtime, participation in outside activities, maintenance of the vegetable garden and the chicken coop). Also, the volunteer will help to develop the project of living space in the caravan; help in the maintenance of the yurt and implement a personal activity in the last stage of the project.
We are looking for 1 VOLUNTEER
6) Compagnons Bâtisseurs
Activity dates: 01/04/2022 – 14/03/2023
Deadline: 14/11/21
Project description: The Association of Compagnons Bâtisseurs, aka CBB, is a non-profit, non-political youth organisation recognised by the French Community of Belgium. The organisation proposes different kinds of activities, mainly based on volunteering and non-formal education: local and international work camps, medium and long term voluntary service, week-end workcamps, leisure time activities for and with disabled people, youth exchanges and local and international trainings.
The volunteer will be mainly involved in the promotion, preparation, implementation and follow-up of our voluntary projects (work camps, youth exchanges….). S/he will also work sometimes in partnership with other local youth and social organisations. As part of CBB team, we will expect from him/her to attend collective activities such as staff meeting, General Assembly, team building day… This project includes administrative tasks, some IT time but also manual work on a regular basis!
We are looking for 1 VOLUNTEER
7) Music Fund
Activity dates: 01/02/2022 – 31/01/2023
Deadline: 24/10/21
Project description: Music Fund is a non profit organization promoting music as an instrument to develop social projects for young people, mostly in conflict zones and developing countries, with the slogan “Give music a chance”. Other objective of MF is to work with music schools and improve their access to musical instruments globally. They work hard developing a network of musical repair technicians and improving their abilities. Last, but not least, they facilitate the access of musical instruments to young musicians all around the world. In Belgium, the team of MF helps young people who want to learn to play by providing them with wide range of instruments donated or collected then fixed by Music Fund. Through their expertise centre in Marche en Famenne and a warehouse in Jemelle they are able to fulfil all the needs for local music schools and socio-artistic projects all around Belgium. The volunteer will help Music Fund team in their administrative tasks but s/he will mostly help to manage the instruments storage, the picks-up of the instruments, help to repair the instruments and care for it. In case the situation allows it, the volunteer will also be asked to help out in the organisation of concerts and other musical events.
We are looking for 1 VOLUNTEER
8) Syndicat d’initiatives de Rochefort
Activity dates: 01/04/2022 – 30/10/2022
Deadline: 14/11/21
Project description: Syndicat d’initiatives de Rochefort (aka SI) is an organisation of local interest whose aim is to galvanise the rural territory of Rochefort town. To do so, it is active in three main fields: organisation of cultural events; information about the possible leisure and discovery activities of the area and maintenance and management of recreational activities (mini golf, open air swimming pool, hiking trails – 650km of them!…)
The volunteer will help the organisation in all these areas by helping out planning the events, make the promotion, handle tasks during the event itself; help in the tourist info point; help in the maintenance and management of the mini golf, swimming pool and hiking trails.
Rochefort is a very pretty but tiny town so the volunteer has to be ready for a quiet lifestyle and be interested in varied tasks, manual but as well promotional…
We are looking for 1 VOLUNTEER
Come candidarsi?
Quando avrai scelto uno dei progetti di volontariato in Belgio a cui vorresti partecipare, invia il tuo CV in inglese + motivation letter riferita al progetto a volo@lunaria.org e esc@compagnonsbatisseurs.be , specificando nell’oggetto il nome del progetto scelto.
La deadline è specificata sotto ogni singolo progetto, ma ti consigliamo di non candidarti all’ultimo minuto!
Una volta selezionati ai partecipanti sarà chiesto di associarsi a Lunaria.