Lunaria è partner di un importante progetto di CCIVS (il comitato UNESCO per il servizio volontario internazionale) che prevede una serie di corsi di formazione rivolti a volontari attivi con esperienza e trainers di volontari: Vision2Action.
Training for Trainers on Advocacy, Visibility and Awareness Raising – Yes, we are citizens! The rights of migrant people, refugees and IVS –
4 – 10 May 2015, Belgium, hosted by JAVVA
• To develop knowledge of the pluridimensional concept of sustainability, linked to human rights and social inclusion.
• To train young activists, involved volunteers in IVS organisations, on the topic of Human Rights and Migrations, developing skills for awareness raising actions.
• To raise awareness on the topic of Human Rights of all people and specially linked to the right of mobility, migrations and refugee people
• To conduct advocacy and institutional action about the topic and following the Campaign for Freedom of Movement of the CCIVS
Target group: activists, volunteers, trainers
Condizioni economiche: viaggi rimborsati al 70% fino a 250€. 80€ di quota di iscrizione + 30€ di quota associativa Lunaria
Descrizione del programma: Call Training on Advocacy
Per candidarti invia l’Application-form-Advocacy a entro il 31 Marzo.