L’estate 2013 porta con se molte novità per Lunaria, e per i nostri volontari. Vorremmo segnalare la possibilità, per i volontari italiani, di partecipare ad un campo di volontariato internazionale in Calabria, organizzato assieme ai ragazzi del WWF di Crotone. Abbiamo già 6 iscritti internazionali, e abbiamo bisogno di una mano! Se sei interessato (solo posti per volontari maschi) ad una incredibile esperienza di impegno solidarietà e mare….
PROJECT:All the activities of the volunteers will be organized by WWF Provincia di Crotone . The main purposes of this association are environment and legal control. This camp is important from another point of view since the volunteers will sleep in a hostel (formerly it was a market confiscated to local mafia ). The WWF turned an old building closed since 1997 in to an hostel called C.E.L.A. without any economic help. The province of Crotone is the poorest of Italy and unfortunately it is economically controlled by mafia , consequently we decided to work together with other associations in order to create a mafia-free economy and to improve the economic level of the community. WWF will host international volunteers to provide an intercultural experience and to support the activities in favor of the environment and to improve the hostel premises.
LOCATION: The province of Crotone is located on the Ionian coast of Calabria in the south of Italy . This small territory unifies the largest European Reserve Marine that of Caporizzuto and the National Park of Sila mountain. The origins of Crotone dated back to the VII century B.C. when the Greeks started colonizing the south of Italy ( Magna Grecia) . Crotone became a cultural centre thank to Pitagora who built the Pitagoric School . In Middle age The Aragonise built along the coast a series of towers and Fortress in order to protect the territory from the pirates invasions. Work:At Isola Caporizzuto: Installation and maintenance of stances. Works of maintenance and restoration of dry stone walls and containment; Gardening (pruning, cleaning flower beds, removal of stones and plant pest, earth moving, etc.); At CELA(hostel): Painting , gardening, The volunteers, helped by the members of WWF, will build a pick-nick area with tables and benches .Other small manual works could be required with update to the applicants
ACCOMMODATION: The CELA is an hostel made up of three rooms with 4 bank beds and a bath room in each room. It is located in San Leonardo di Cutro between the two the tourist residences of Serenè and Porto Kaleo. It is only two hundreds metres far from the sea and there are two large gardens around the hostel. Food :The volunteers together with a member of wwf will organize the meals . Any personal diet will be discussed with the members of the association.
TERMINAL: Crotone and Lamezia Terme
EXTRA-FEE: 50 euros