Workcamps – 100 anni di storie
Name of the testimonial: Philippe Tiberghien
Sending Organization: SCI France
Year of the workcamps: 1963
Place of the workcamp: Bordeaux, France
Host organization: PACTE
What was your motivation to join a workcamp?
After a few “weekends workcamps” in Paris, I wanted to experience a longer workcamp in the renovation of housing for elderlies.
What did you take from that experience?
This workcamp was for me the occasion of experiencing concrete friendship. It was also an initiation to site management, I have been able to observe and learn camp leaders’ duties and role and took an interest in it. It made me want to get more deeply involved in this kind of projects. Of course it brought me international openness and more globally openness of mind.
What do you still carry with you?
This experience and some others with the SCI have left an indelible mark which has accompanied me throughout my life. It is with this memory that I started in 2000 in Lyon an antenna of UNIS- CITE which today has 600 volunteers as part of the French government programme Civil Service. I still carry 20 incredibly valuable years of commitment to the service of society: all the young volunteers I meet today are very happy to experience teamwork and meetings during their mission.