Il progetto JAMBO è arrivato alla fase di implementazione che, tra le varie azioni, prevede la realizzazione di 3 campi di volontariato internazionali. I progetti, sul tema delle questioni di genere e dell’empowerment femminile, si terranno in Uganda, Kenya e Tanzania.
Per partecipare ai campi di Kenya e Uganda potete seguire la procedura standard dei campi internazionali e per il campo in Tanzania potete contattarci agli indirizzi e-mail: – .
Potete trovare informazione più dettagliate qui sotto:
KVDA/STV/08D – Nyamanche Primary School (Kuria, Migori County, South West Kenya) – KENYA
Project Dates: 08/08/2015 – 29/08/2015
Work: Renovation
Number of volunteers: 20
Language: English
Extra-Fee: EUR 300
Age: 21+
Nyamanche Primary School started the year 1981 as a Government School. The School supports children from the neighbouring villages. It consists of 600 (six hundred) pupils, 350 girls and 250 boys.
WORK: volunteers will work for six hours daily from Monday to Friday. They will work together with the local community members on manual works and intercultural activities such as: school construction; sand harvesting; tree planting; stones collection; pathways clearing; digging and treating of ant hills; home visits and topic discussion with the local people; excursion to Lake Victoria and sensitization of the community on the side effects of FGM.
UPA/009/15 – Enhancing community development through knowledge and skills acquisition – UGANDA
Project Dates: 05/08/2015 – 23/08/2015
Work: Education
Number of volunteers: 15
Language: English
Extra-Fee: EUR 250
Age: 21+
Uganda Pioneers´ Association (UPA) is a youth voluntary organization working with community projects, workcamps and volunteer exchange. UPA was founded in 1989 by young Ugandans with the aim of mobilizing youth to contribute to community development through voluntary work. UPA has a national secretariat located in Kampala, Nansana and currently operates within 8 Branches in seven districts in Uganda. UPA aims at promoting community based development, intercultural cooperation and youth participation through voluntary work.Community mobilization Community sensitization on gender issues Workshops on gender issues amongst the participants Conducting outreaches in secondary and primary schools Forum theatre trainings for the workcamp participants Cleaning at Wakiso Health Center IV Painting and beautifying Nakkuule Health Centre.
WORK: • Community mobilization • Community sensitization on gender issues • Workshops on gender issues amongst the participants • Conducting outreaches in secondary and primary schools • Forum theatre trainings for the workcamp participants • Cleaning at Wakiso Health Center IV • Painting and beautifying Nakkuule Health Centre II
The JAMBO International Gender Equality Volunteer Work Camp – TANZANIA
Project Dates: 16/08/2015 – 30/08/2015
Work: Education
Number of volunteers: 15
Language: English and Swahili
Extra-Fee: EUR 200
Age: 21+
Based on the Gender inequalities and women/girls participation in International volunteering projects, TYCEN has designed a GENDER PERSPECTIVES WORK CAMP FOR MARGINALIZED GIRLS IN RURAL AREAS both in Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar. This is an ideal for bridging the gap between girls and boys in socio-cultural and economic development, and it is one of the Youth Programs organized by TYCEN as it allows the young people to take part in analyzing gender issues that fully combines theoretical and practical issues related to gender issues in development.
This Volunteer project is a non-formal gender education program which is designed with a view of offering special training aimed at addressing the existing gender gaps in development; as well as maintaining gender balance among youth for sustainable development in all levels family, institution, national and global.
The project will be run in Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar and will draw in participants from all over the World so as to have a global perspectives and understanding on Gender related issues.
WORK: • Gender equality and intercultural dialog workshops. • Working with local women group in various activities they work on like gender advocacy, entrepreneurship trainings. • Organize a conference on Project management in youth work in recognition of non-formal learning. • Seminars on using Camera and Social Multimedia to communicate gender inequalities. • Training on soft skills for the marginalized girls.