Sono terminate le selezioni per il seminario che si terrà a Parigi. La sesta sessione del progetto Hemispheres, dal titolo “Integration through economic activity: But how?”, vedrà i partecipanti alle prese con il punto di vista dei movimenti del sud del mondo.
Social inclusion functions through economic activities with the individualization and destabilizing of work structures, difficulties of reaching collective negotiations, limited activities of production of goods and services without concern for its collective use and emancipation through work. How do we take all the necessary aspects into account when creating and maintaining socially purposeful work with decent working conditions? In which conditions can this type of insertion through economics reveal a way to fight poverty and exclusion? Do the different ways of organizing an economic structure have an influence on social inclusion? This is the question that we’re going to explore and base our examples on, from the North as well as the South.
From the 26th of October to the 13th of November 2010
The main speakers are from MST in Brazil and from APEF in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Per partecipare inviare CV e lettera di motivazione a mariuzzo(at) entro il 20 Settembre, verranno contattati solo i candidati pre-selezionati, martedì 21 Settembre.