I nostri amici olandesi dell’associazione SIW che si occup di coordinamento EVS, con cui collaboriamo da 20 anni, cercano volontari per un progetto dedicato a chi ama gli animali.
Per candidarti, invia CV e lettera motivazionale in inglese a volo@dev.lunaria.org entro il 30 Marzo!
StiftingWurkgroupButengebietDroegeham, The Netherlands
Number of volunteers: 2
Title of project: “Carefarming : Connect &Create Effect!”
Period of volunteering: 1st of October 2015 – 1st of October 2016 (12 months)
Start of project: 1 October 2015
Tasks of the volunteer:
- Taking care of animals
- Hosting groups of childerenand teaching them(in Dutch) about the farm animals
- Activities in the natural landscape
- Maintenance of the natural landscape
- Giving a hand whereneeded
- Expressingyourinterestsandexperience, sothatyoucanusethis at the farm (togetherwith the farmer youwill look howyoucanimplementyour skills andexperienceintodailyfarmlife)
As the volunteerswillbeworkingwithchildren, we encouragevolunteerstolearn a bit of Dutch before the start of the project.
The descriptionof the organisationis available on the EVS database: http://europa.eu/youth/vp/organisation/941571241_en
The website of the hostorganisation is: http://www.hamstermieden.nl/ (the website is in Dutch but youcan get an impression looking at the pictures)
The goal of the foundation BuitengebiedDrogeham is to develop leisure activities in the region of Drogeham.
The way in which they do this is diverse. Local shopkeepers and the local party ofDrogehamwant to organise a wide range of activities and thereby encourages the volunteers to participate.
With the presence of the international volunteers we would like to put the villageDrogeham on the map as well as the countries the volunteers are from.
We are looking for motivated and preferably young people (most preferably the same gender), because they will stay together for one year.