I nostri amici di INEX-SDA, cercano volontari da coinvolgere in 2 progetti EVS.
1) Football for Development
Football for Development is a unique concept based on the principle of fair play, equality and teamwork. Our aim is to bring together groups or people from different social or cultural backgrounds. Through football we promote mutual respect and tolerance, not only on the field but also in everyday life. The project is associated with the traditional visit of international volunteers from country outside Europe and their one-month educational tour throughout the country. Together with Czech volunteers they put together a team that organizes tournaments, public events, workshops and other educational activities for children and young people. Thanks to these football tournaments we manage every year to involve more than 1,500 young people from Prague and other regions .The campaign takes place in June/July each year in few regions of the CZ. http://www.fotbalprorozvoj.org/?lang=en
The main campaign work lasts till September, after this the volunteer is expected to focus on his / her own project together with concentrating to support other projects and activities connected with the global learning (such as GLEN – web is in Czech only) and non-formal education (trainings, seminars, volunteer project groups).
Proposed volunteer’s tasks:
1. assisting with the preparation and realisation of “Football for Development” project from February to July. While taking part in organisation tasks before the campaign starts, s/he will be appointed to communicate with participants and preparing documents. While assisting with realisation of the campaign s/he will be supporting the youth during their travel around the CZ in co-organizing public events, football tournaments, youth workshops, assisting project coordinator with financial management, documenting the campaign etc.
2. support of a programme called GLEN (Global Education Network of Young Europeans), taking part in the global and non-formal education activities organized by the volunteers of INEX-SDA, such as taking part in organizing assessment centre for new volunteers in GLEN.
3. according to the volunteers interest involvement into one or more project in the Volunteers Club (DoK) or initiating his / her own project
4. raising awareness of volunteering ,voluntary projects and intercultural exchanges among the Czech youth at different regions of the Czech Republic (presentations, promo actions, meetings etc.);
5. opportunity to develop a project according to her/his interest;
6. opportunity to learn Czech.
Per candidarti invia CV e lettera motivazionale in inglese -indicando posizione che si desidera coprire e il perchè- a evs.applications@inexsda.cz e volo@dev.lunaria.org entro il 30 Agosto 2016
2) EVS volunteer in INEX office
The volunteer becomes a member of the INEX-SDA team and participate in all parts of the organisation life such as regular office meetings, public and promotion events etc. S/he will cooperate closely with project coordinators and other team members who will provide guidance and support in taken tasks within the project s/he will be involved in.
The office is run on everyday basis. Working hours of volunteer are flexible within 9 am to 5 pm. Sometimes there can be work during weekends (training, seminars) but this will be always compensated by a time off at alternative days.
For the same period a second EVS volunteer from another country is selected to support our campaign “Football for development”.
Per candidarti invia CV e lettera motivazionale in inglese a evs.applications@inexsda.cz e volo@dev.lunaria.org entro il 12 Settembre 2016
Ai partecipanti selezionati sarà richiesto di iscriversi a Lunaria.